Labour Education Applied Research North (LEARN) is a joint initiative created in 1995 between the Northern Alberta Development Council (NADC) and a group of northern Alberta post-secondary institutions. Currently, the partner institutions are: Keyano College, Northern Lakes College, Northwestern Polytechnic and Portage College. As of July 2021, the NADC is no longer part of the group. The role of LEARN is to:
1. Provide the partners with labour force and economic information to help them identify new training programs, or modify, suspend, or terminate existing programs. This research informs decision-making regarding student funding and related matters.
2. Investigate matters of community and/or economic development as they relate to the member institutions’ business.
3. Report and investigate industry trends, specific occupations, and training opportunities, as well as other related topics such as demographic trends and community needs.
In addition to research, meetings with industry representatives are periodically held to inform the partners about current and future labour force needs. LEARN also serves as a potential forum for further communication and cooperation between the colleges.
For more information about the group, please contact the Institutional Research office at any of the partner institutions.
105 Changes in Agriculture in Alberta and Associated Potential Programming Implications at Northern Colleges
106 Employer Provision of Employability Skills
107 Aboriginal Training and Education Funding
108 Employer Provision of Employability Skills
109 Report on Aboriginal Labour Force Participation in Alberta
110 A Review of Issues Pertaining to the Apprenticeship System in Northern Alberta
93 Teacher Assistant Training Options for Residents of Northern Alberta
94 Skill Development and Training Opportunities Between Alberta and the Northwest Territories
96 Emerging Best-Practices for Servicing Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities
97 Industry Certifications -- Ideas for Short Course Offerings or Linkages
98 Report on Science and Innovation Centres
99 Specializations in Public Administration and Business Administration
100 Special Education in Northern Alberta
102 Agri-tourism in Northern Alberta
80 Trucking Industry Driver Supply and Training Issues
81 Demand for Helping Skills Training for Nurses and Teachers
82 Supports for Independence (Social Assistance) Prior to Upgrading
83 Professional Development for the Information Technology Sector
84 Pipeline Service and Oilfield Service
88 Emerging Trends in Agriculture
89 Demand for Degree and Applied Degree Programs in Northern Alberta
90 The Role of the High School Guidance Counsellor in Post-Secondary Recruitment
72 Seniors in Northern Alberta -- Key Trends, Service Gaps, and Potential Employment-Training for Service Providers
73 An Update Report on Employment and Training for Child and Family Services Authorities
74 A Report on Apprenticeship in Alberta
75 Recruiting and Retention -- Northern Communities
76 Funding Sources for Northern Alberta Post-Secondary Public Colleges
78 Survey of Adult Learners -- A Perspective of Four Northern Alberta Colleges
62 Survey of Northern Alberta High School Students
63 Training Needs in the Tourism Industry
64 Best Practices in Student Services
65 Training for Aboriginal Entrepreneurs
66 Land Reclamation Specialists -- Update
67 Industry Health Indicators -- Agriculture
68 Counselling Training for Teachers and Health Care Professionals
69 Cross-Cultural Employer-Employee Issues
47 Major Industrial Projects Update - 1997
48 Job Ads Survey October to December 1997
49 Training for Water & Wastewater Treatment Operators
50 Orientation to CAPsite Technologies
51 Census 96 Data Summary Ethnicity and Immigration
52 Job Ads Survey January to March 1998
53 Competitive Training Market
54 Missed Opportunities Northern Students Heading South
55 Medical Terminology Training
56 Census 1996 Data Summary Education, Labour and Income
58 Heavy Equipment Technicians - Agricultural Mechanics Niche Profile
23 Environmental Training for Heavy Machinery Operators
24 Education Performance Measures - A Northern Comparison
25 Training Needs of Northern Alberta Aboriginal Communities
26 Training for Value-Added Agriculture
28 GIS-GPS Labour and Educational Needs for Northern Alberta
29 Industry and Employment Trends in Northern Alberta 1991-1996
30 Inventory of Industry -- Post-Secondary Partnerships
31 Training for Small Business
32 Literacy in Northern Alberta
33 Census 1996 Population and Dwelling Counts
34 Construction Permit Data Summary
35 NADC Bursary Program Employer Survey Summary
36 Training for Heavy Equipment Operators
37 Training for Child and Family Services
38 Training for Log Haul Trucking
39 Job Ads Survey Initial Report
40 Summary of Aboriginal Communities' Training Program Funding
41 Enrollment Drivers and Trends
42 Job Ads Survey July-September 1997
43 Summary of the Alberta Growth Summit '97
44 Future Vision Scan Survey Report
45 Census '96 Data Summary -- Age, Sex and Marital and Family Status
9 Woodworking Machine Operators in Northern Alberta
10 Forestry Technologists and Technicians
11 Public Health Inspectors - Environmental Health Officers
12 Agriculture in Northern Alberta
13 Land Reclamation Specialists
14 First Nations and Metis Settlements Administration
15 Training Opportunities Generated by Petroleum Industry Activity in Northern Alberta
16 Safety Training in the Forestry and Petroleum Industries
17 Day Care Workers Ongoing Training
19 Trucking in the Oil and Gas Industry
20 Industrial Training Database Version 1