Opportunities for High school students offered at Portage College range from a selection of university and college courses. High school students can take one 100-level university course free each semester. Delivery methods include online, high-flex, and face-to-face learning.
Admission Requirements:
To be eligible for enrollment, students must either have completed English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2 with a minimum of 60% or be currently enrolled in English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2 with a minimum of 70% in their English Language Arts 20 course.
If you are interested in courses in Business, please refer to the program page for admission requirements for those courses.
If you are interested in courses in Educational Assistant or Early Learning and Child Care, please refer to the program page for admission requirements for those courses.
Students are responsible for purchasing the necessary course text materials.
Dual Credit: Dual Credit provides opportunities for high school students to earn both high school and post-secondary credits simultaneously.
Note To Students: Please check with your high school to confirm they will accept and give you credit for the courses listed below. Some agreements with certain high schools will vary.
Course ID: BIOL020
Name: BIOLOGY 20
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Biology 20 is a course which will deal with the biosphere, cellular matter and energy flows, matter and exchange in ecosystems, and matter and energy exchange by the human organism. Students investigate the impact of science and technology on society and, at the same time, become aware of the roles and limitations of biology, science in general and of technology in problem solving in a societal context. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology, and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: BIOL030
Name: BIOLOGY 30
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Biology 30 is a course in which students obtain an understanding of systems of change in human organisms, reproduction and development, cells, chromosomes, and DNA, as well as change in populations and communities. The impact and limitations of science and technology on society is also an integral part of this course. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology, and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: CHEM020
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Chemistry 20 is a course which helps students to understand the chemistry principles behind the natural events they experience and the technology they use in their daily lives. Chemistry is the study of matter and its changes and each unit in Chemistry 20 uses a different context to investigate the nature of the matter and to examine its properties and changes. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: CHEM030
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Chemistry 30 is a course which deals with organic chemistry, thermo chemical changes and electrochemical changes in acids and bases. In addition, Chemistry 30 explores the nature of science itself and develops the relationships. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology, and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: INF2090
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Correspondence is a course in which students expand their rate of document production as they prepare various forms or correspondence in mailable form, using word processing software and database software.
Course ID: INF1070
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Digital Presentation is a course in which students are introduced to Introductory Hypermedia (presentation) tools. Students develop skills with tools used for computerized presentations involving text, data, graphics, sound, and animation.
Course ID: DIAW101
Hours: 3
Credits: 0
This introductory course is designed to allow the learner to develop an appreciation of the value of diversity within our culture. A unique combination of video and animation sets the path of exploration through a fictitious company. The interactive learning environment is designed for learner engagement and participation.
Course ID: ELA10-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
English 10-2 is designed to concentrate on the development of language arts’ strategies and skills to strengthen student use of language and understanding of text. The emphasis in this course is on verbal and non-verbal communication. It will focus on the examination of the five basic components of communication with an emphasis on developing reading speed/comprehension and writing accuracy/fluency. Students study short stories, essays, poems, novels and plays.
Course ID: ELA20-1
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
English Language Arts 20-1 is a course which is intended for students who demonstrate strength in their use of language and their understanding of print and non-print texts. Emphasis in this course is on literature studies. This course prepares students for English 30-1, which is intended for students who wish to enroll in degree programs at post-secondary institutions following graduation.
Course ID: ELA20-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
English Language Arts 20-2 is designed to concentrate on the development of language arts’ strategies and skills to strengthen student use of language and understanding of text. The emphasis in this course is on verbal and non-verbal communication skills. This course augments a learner’s competence in the five basic areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with an emphasis on understanding and producing writing in common genres such as essays, summaries, and business letters. Students will edit and revise writing, study short stories, drama, poetry, non-fiction, novels, film and media. This course prepares students for the English Language Arts 30-2 course which is intended for students who wish to enroll in a diploma or certificate program at a post-secondary institution or who wish to enter the labour force following graduation.
Course ID: ELA30-1
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
English 30-1 is a five-credit course designed for students who wish to master the composition skills necessary for an analytical approach to literature (as emphasized in college/university programs). It examines the traditional literary genres and also explores visual media. This course challenges students to deal with abstract concepts with sophistication. Students analyze short stories, non-fiction, poetry, drama, the novel, film and media.
Course ID: ELA30-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
English 30-2 is a course which has a functional orientation emphasizing clear skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing. Students undertake communication activities as they study short stories, non-fiction, poetry, modern and Shakespearean plays, films, and novels. This course helps prepare students for further training in college diploma programs or for situations they may encounter in the world of work. Students will study the novel, short stories, poetry, and drama, and learn to represent ideas visually.
Course ID: GPSYCH020
Hours: 75
Credits: 3
General Psychology 20 is a course designed to develop within the student the skills and understandings that make it possible for more effective living in our complex environment. The course will focus on the scientific approach to understanding individual human behavior.
Course ID: CTR2010
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Students acquire knowledge about workplace requirements, rights and responsibilities and relate this knowledge to personal career/employment expectations.
Course ID: CTR1010
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Job Preparation is a course in which students develop successful employment search skills and a personal employment search portfolio.
Course ID: MATH1041
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Mathematics 10 Preparation is a course which is designed to cover the basic algebra skills required for high school math courses. Topics include number systems, fractions, algebraic expressions, patterns and equations, problem solving, exponent laws, measurement, and geometry.
Course ID: MATH10C
Name: MATH 10C
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Math 10C is designed to provide students with mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills. It prepares students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, become mathematically literate, and make informed decisions as contributors to society. The goal of Math 10C is to provide a starting point to develop the attitudes, knowledge, skills and understandings needed for specific post-secondary programs or entry into the workforce. It prepares students for either the Math-1 or the Math-2 course sequence beginning at the grade 11 level. The topics included are measurement and trigonometry, polynomial factoring and operations, linear relations and functions, and systems of linear relations.
Course ID: MATH10-3
Name: MATH 10-3
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Mathematics 10-3 is a course which provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into most trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, trigonometry, and finance. Math 10-3 prepares students to take Math 20-3.
Course ID: MATH20-2
Name: MATH 20-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
The Mathematics 20-2 is a course that is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of calculus. Topics include: measurement, geometry, number and logical reasoning, statistics, and relations and functions.
Course ID: MATH20-3
Name: MATH 20-3
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Mathematics 20-3 is a course which is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into most trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include measurement, geometry, numbers, algebra, and statistics.
Course ID: MATH30-2
Name: MATH 30-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Mathematics 30-2 is a course which emphasizes the needs of students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, make connections between mathematics and its applications, become mathematically literate, appreciate, and value mathematics and make informed decisions as a contributor to society.
Course ID: PPSYCH020
Hours: 75
Credits: 3
Physics 20 is a course which emphasizes the science themes: Change and Systems through a study of kinematics and dynamics; Energy and Equilibrium by examining uniform circular motion and mechanical energy, work and power; and Energy and Matter by investigation simple harmonic motion and mechanical waves. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives in order to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: PHYS020
Name: PHYSICS 20
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Physics 20 is a course which emphasizes the science themes: Change and Systems through a study of kinematics and dynamics; Energy and Equilibrium by examining uniform circular motion and mechanical energy, work and power; and Energy and Matter by investigation simple harmonic motion and mechanical waves. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology, and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: READ15
Name: READING 15
Hours: 75
Credits: 3
Reading 15 is a course, which is designed to concentrate on the development of language arts strategies and skills to strengthen student use of language and understanding of text. In Reading 15 students will engage with a wide range of texts including but not limited to those that they need to be able to read to hone the competencies necessary to achieve success in their courses across the curriculum and in their lives beyond school. This course emphasizes the importance of scaffolding to promote increasingly independent literacy practices. Students will receive orientation to reading habits, writing processes, oral communication, and thinking skills. Students will develop confidence and motivation to succeed in active reading in school and daily life.
Course ID: INF2100
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Reports is a course in which students expand their rate of production as they prepare various reports and manuscripts in mailable form.
Course ID: SCIE010
Name: SCIENCE 10
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Science 10 is an integrated academic course, which helps students better understand and apply the fundamental concepts and skills common to life science, physical science, and earth science. It is also designed to show the link between science and technology and our society. Science 10 is a prerequisite for all 20 level science courses. This course encourages the development of positive attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of knowledge related to science and technology. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples. The three foundational components of science courses: attitudes, knowledge, science, technology, and society (STS) as well as skills will be reflected in the learning outcomes of this course.
Course ID: SOCS30-1
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Social Studies 30-1 is a course in which students will examine the origins and complexities of ideologies and examine multiple perspectives regarding the principles of classical and modern liberalism. An analysis of various political and economic systems will allow students to assess the viability of the principles of liberalism. Developing understandings of the roles and responsibilities associated with citizenship will encourage students to respond to emergent global issues. This course incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples.
Course ID: SOCS30-2
Hours: 125
Credits: 5
Social Studies 30-2 is a course in which students will examine the origins, values, and components of competing ideologies. They will explore multiple perspectives regarding relationship among individualism, liberalism, common good and collectivism. An examination of various political and economic systems will allow students to determine the viability of the values of liberalism. Developing understanding of the roles and responsibilities associated with citizenship will encourage students to respond to emergent global issues. It incorporates Aboriginal perspectives to develop in all students an appreciation of the cultural diversity and achievements of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples.
Course ID: INF1060
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Spreadsheets 1 is a course in which students have an opportunity to use basic functions and commands in spreadsheet software for general data manipulation and personal recordkeeping. Classroom instruction or independent study are the instructional strategies for this course.
Course ID: INF2080
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Spreadsheets 2 is a course in which students have an opportunity to build advanced worksheets in spreadsheet software for data manipulation and personal record keeping.
Course ID: INF1030
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Word Processing 1 is a course in which students develop skill in using basic commands and functions in word processing software, including document editing, and the formatting and printing of reports, correspondence, and tables suitable for personal use applications. Classroom instruction or independent study is the instructional strategies for this course.
Course ID: INF2050
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Word Processing 2 is a course in which students develop skills that expand the student’s word processing software commands and functions to produce mailable reports, correspondence (including letters and memos) and tables from rough draft copy.
Course ID: INF3060
Hours: 25
Credits: 1
Word Processing 3 is a course which develops advanced skills in word processing software for documents used in the workplace, mailable word processing documents.
Course ID: ACCT115
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
This introductory course in financial accounting will expose students to how transactions are reported by business and how this information is presented to users outside the organization. The first part of the course focuses on the accounting cycle for a business. Concepts of revenue recognition and inventory valuation for a merchandising type of organization are analyzed. Various assets, liabilities, and equity accounts presented on the balance sheet are thoroughly examined to determine what values should be presented on the financial statements. Finally, financial statement analysis is carried out to help students understand the overall health of a business.
Prerequisites – Math 30-2
Course ID: BUSL261
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
Course ID: COMM121
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
Course ID: COMM131
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
Students will build on skills, concepts, and techniques introduced and practiced in COMM 121. Students will create a variety of business documents and presentations by researching, examining, and analyzing common business issues and problems. Emphasis will be placed on research skills, problem determination, critical thinking, source documentation, and audience. Students will prepare a formal analytical report and a persuasive presentation based on the report. Job search skills will include competitive strategies for finding work, with a focus on how to produce a targeted resume and cover letter and preparing for a job interview. Students will use advanced functions of current business software applications to create business documents, an analytical report, and a presentation. Prerequisites: COMM 121
Course ID: MATH117
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of the fundamental principles and concepts of business mathematics and to develop their abilities to apply these principles and concepts to solve practical business problems, particularly in marketing and finance. This course includes a lab component to analyze business math problems with spreadsheets. Prerequisites – Math 30-2
Course ID: DIAW101
Hours: 3
Credits: 0
This introductory course is designed to allow the learner to develop an appreciation of the value of diversity within our culture. A unique combination of video and animation sets the path of exploration through a fictitious company. The interactive learning environment is designed for learner engagement and participation.
Course ID: ECON186
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
The question of how individuals and firms use their resources to attain certain economic goals is examined. The central problem of scarcity is introduced. A brief study of how different economic systems try to solve this problem is undertaken. The market system is investigated as to how supply, demand, and price determine what and how much is produced. Effective decision-making in the marketplace is also examined. Prerequisites: Math 30-2
Course ID: ECON187
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
The overall health of the economy as measured by gross domestic product, unemployment rates, inflation rates, interest rates, the balance of payments exchange rates and the money supply is the prime focus of this course . Keynesian and monetarist theories of income and employment are used as a framework for analyzing government monetary and fiscal policies. The role of the Bank of Canada and the chartered banks in determining the money supply and interest rates is described. Current debate relating to public debt and supply-side economics is evaluated. International economic issues including free trade and the balance of payments are also examined. Where appropriate, applications to current events are introduced and topics are enhanced wherever possible. PREREQUISITES: MATH 30 (Not Math 30-3) or 60% on the Business Math test and ENG 30, strongly recommended ECON 186
Course ID: MARK166
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
This is an introductory course covering the fundamental principles and concepts of marketing. Major emphasis is placed on the marketing mix and its strategic application to an increasingly complex business environment. In particular, the areas of product, promotion, price, and distribution are examined as they relate to the achievement of company objectives.
Prerequisites: ELA 30-2 or COMM 121
Course ID: ORGB193
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
Organizational Behaviour is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. Organizational Behaviour is not just for managers; the concepts explored in this course are useful to anyone who works. This course builds student knowledge starting at an individual level, moving on to a team level, and finally finishing at the organizational level. Students will develop an understanding of how Organizational Behaviour concepts affect themselves and others, and how those impact the organization's bottom line.
Prerequisites: ELA 30-2
Course ID: CSCR101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Welcome to this project-based course that will have you exploring the areas of computer science, coding, and robotics. This class will challenge your problem-solving abilities, and equip you with an understanding of how some of the computer programs you use on a regular basis were made. In addition to building fundamental programming skills, you’ll be developing projects that have both digital and physical aspects, driven by a Micro:bit single-board computer, and a set of basic robotics electronics components.
Prerequisite: None
Course ID: CREE101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Introductory Cree Part One provides instruction at the introductory level. Students will learn basic Plains Cree (Y Dialect) conversational skills. This course is designed to focus on speaking and listening skills. Students will learn conversational skills through online instruction, group activities and project work. The goal of this course is to expand vocabulary and increase the student's fluency in spoken Plains Cree. Situations at home, school or community will be used to engage learners. Cree culture and protocol will be discussed to enhance the accurate use of particular Cree words during a dialogue. This course will prepare students for Intermediate levels of Cree language study at the university level.
This course is a prerequisite for CREE102.
Prerequisite – None
*Course offering is based on public interest.
Course ID: COMP105
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Course ID: ECDE100
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
In this course, the learner will explore the major theories of human development and will focus specifically on birth to age twelve. Areas of study will include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Fall Term
Course ID: TRAD 131
Hours: 60
Credits: 3
Discovering you career interests is an ongoing pursuit and one that will likely continually evolve. This course introduces you to a selection of construction, industrial, and service trades and occupations where you can acquire foundational knowledge and develop specialized skills through practical application in industry-standard labs. You will have the opportunity to explore designated trades and occupations such as carpenter, electrician, heavy equipment technician, power engineer, steamfitter-pipefitter, welder, cook, and hairstylist, and through interactive learning experiences, assess your own personal aptitude and preferred discipline. Note: This course is intended for those individuals not familiar with designated trades or occupation training.
Course ID: MATH100
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course serves as an introduction to the methods and applications of single variable calculus. Limits are used to investigate continuity and asymptotes, as well as define the processes of differentiation and integration in a precise manner. Students learn to calculate, interpret, and apply derivatives and integrals to solve rate of change problems and to accurately depict the behavior of a function.
Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1 and 60% in MATH 30-1
Course ID: PSYC104
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course is a prerequisite to other psychology courses at Portage College. This Introductory psychology course is intended to inspire an interest in, and an appreciation for, the field of psychology. Topics in this course include the history of psychological science, psychological research methods, the structure and function of the brain and nervous system, learning, sensation, perception, memory, consciousness, thought, and language.
Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: SOCI101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Course ID: STAT141
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This introductory statistics course provides students in a variety of disciplines with basic knowledge regarding the theory and application of statistics. Prerequisites: 50% in MATH 30-1 or Math 30-2 at 60% and 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: ORGB193
Hours: 64
Credits: 3
Organizational Behaviour is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. Organizational Behaviour is not just for managers; the concepts explored in this course are useful to anyone who works. This course builds student knowledge starting at an individual level, moving on to a team level, and finally finishing at the organizational level. Students will develop an understanding of how Organizational Behaviour concepts affect themselves and others, and how those impact the organization's bottom line.
Prerequisites: ELA 30-2
Course ID: HEED105
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to the physical, social, mental, occupational, emotional, environmental and spiritual dimensions of personal health and wellness. These dimensions are described within the context of the Canadian Health Care System and your own individual community. Topics include primary health care, nutrition, exercise, stress management, weight management, eating disorders, common health issues and their prevention. You will be expected to integrate knowledge of the seven dimensions of health and apply this knowledge to a self-analysis of your own health and physical fitness. Finally, you will incorporate change management theory to develop, implement and evaluate a personal wellness plan. The intent of this course is to promote a healthy lifestyle. By examining determinants of health, the current health care system, the seven dimensions of health and applying these concepts to your own lifestyle, you will be better equipped to function as role models and act as change agents for health promotion in your community. Prerequisite 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: COMA200
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Technology Tools for Teaching and Learning will help prepare students to develop and integrate project-based learning skills into the classroom. Students will examine the Information and Communication Technology Outcomes Program of Studies as published by Alberta Learning, and are expected to develop modules that integrate the ICT Outcomes using the Internet, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, and Multimedia application software. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: ECDE111
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Learners will gain an understanding of the skills required for effective intervention techniques designed to positively and appropriately guide the socio-cultural appropriate behavior of preschool and school-age children, thereby, nurturing a safe and healthy environment for children and staff.
Spring Term
Course ID: ECDE100
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
In this course, the learner will explore the major theories of human development and will focus specifically on birth to age twelve. Areas of study will include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Fall Term
Course ID: ELCC107
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
ELCC 107 will prepare the student to develop the skills necessary to provide infants and toddlers (age 0-36 months) with the highest quality care and programming possible in home-based and group environments. Knowledge of appropriate techniques and developmentally appropriate learning activities are based on current child development research and the standardized child development goals and objectives.
Winter Term
Course ID: ELCC132
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course will focus on basic observation and recording skills used for observing children. Subsequent intervention strategies to work with children following the observation will be explored.
Winter Term
Course ID: ELCC130
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course provides the student with knowledge related to program development and implementation. Content covers, safety supervision, behavior management, developmentally and culturally appropriate programming, and the overall role of an effective worker in an out-of-school environment with school-age children.
Spring Term
Course ID: RSER101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This is an introductory course to disability studies and provides students with an opportunity to explore the lives of persons with disabilities including families, special needs, diverse characteristics, and lifestyles.
Spring Term
Course ID: ECDE111
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Learners will gain an understanding of the skills required for effective intervention techniques designed to positively and appropriately guide the socio-cultural appropriate behavior of preschool and school-age children, thereby, nurturing a safe and healthy environment for children and staff.
Spring Term
Course ID: ECDE100
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
In this course, the learner will explore the major theories of human development and will focus specifically on birth to age twelve. Areas of study will include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Fall Term
Course ID: RSER103
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Interpersonal Communications skills are such a vital part of human services. This course provides learners with an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the basic communication concepts and skills, to examine their everyday communication behaviors, and apply their new knowledge and self-awareness to their own experience. The main goal of this experience is to help learners expand their repertoire of skills for communicating more effectively.
Winter Term
Course ID: TRAD 131
Hours: 60
Credits: 3
Discovering you career interests is an ongoing pursuit and one that will likely continually evolve. This course introduces you to a selection of construction, industrial, and service trades and occupations where you can acquire foundational knowledge and develop specialized skills through practical application in industry-standard labs. You will have the opportunity to explore designated trades and occupations such as carpenter, electrician, heavy equipment technician, power engineer, steamfitter-pipefitter, welder, cook, and hairstylist, and through interactive learning experiences, assess your own personal aptitude and preferred discipline. Note: This course is intended for those individuals not familiar with designated trades or occupation training.
Course ID: CSCR101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Welcome to this project-based course that will have you exploring the areas of computer science, coding, and robotics. This class will challenge your problem-solving abilities, and equip you with an understanding of how some of the computer programs you use on a regular basis were made. In addition to building fundamental programming skills, you’ll be developing projects that have both digital and physical aspects, driven by a Micro:bit single-board computer, and a set of basic robotics electronics components.
Prerequisite: None
Course ID: DRMA101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
An introduction to the process of acting and dramatic form through the process of improvisation. This workshop-based course will explore speech and movement improvisation with an emphasis on imaginative development and introduction to the process of acting and to dramatic form. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: EDPY200
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course examines the psychology of learning and instruction. The theoretical basis of human development, learning, and teaching will each be explored, providing a comprehensive background to the art of education and effective teaching. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: ANTH110
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course provides a general overview of the cross-cultural variation in social roles related to gender, age and culture. Gender and age roles are culturally constructed in relation to social structure and political systems. Human development, including the social roles of children, adolescents, adults and elders will be examined. Also explored is human variation in relation to sex and development. In this class, we will discuss how societies organize sex and gender differences, and what it means to be a man, woman or third gender in different cultures. Gender roles will be examined in relation to other cultural features, such as status, health, sexuality and fertility. We will also explore the impact of gender differences as part of social organization with respect to culture change and globalization.
Course ID: MATH160
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Math 160 is required for elementary teachers (education majors), critical thinking and problem solving is stressed throughout the course. Conceptual understanding of elementary number theory, set theory, numeration systems and their operations algorithms is the subject of the study; as well as the preparation and presentation of Math Fair. Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1 and Math 30
Course ID: BIOL230
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course provides an in-depth study of the structures of the human body and their interrelationships using a systems approach. The correlations between structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) are examined. Major topics include body organization, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive systems, the general and special senses, and human development. This course is designed to prepare students in medical fields of study for advanced courses in their respective fields, as well as other university transfer students.
Pre/Corequisite 60% in ELA 30-1, BIO 30, BIOL231
Course ID: PSYC105
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course is the second half of the Introductory Psychology course sequence. It will cover such topics as human intellect, human development from birth to old age, motivation, emotion, personality, social psychological processes, stress and health, as well as mental disorders and their treatments. This course is an overview of these diverse topics, most of which can be studied in one or more complete courses. Prerequisites: PSYC104
Course ID: CHEM101
Hours: 84
Credits: 3
Course ID: CHEM102
Hours: 84
Credits: 3
CHEM 102 is the second Introductory Chemistry course, following CHEM 101. Therefore, CHEM 101 is the prerequisite course. Major topics include chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, coordination chemistry and electrochemistry. Key concepts such as reaction rates, rate laws, Arrhenius equation, reaction mechanism and catalysis will be discussed. The course will also present gas-phase equilibria, ICE table and equilibrium calculations, acid-base and complex ion equilibria, solubility and precipitation. In addition, second and third laws of thermodynamics, entropy and spontaneity, coordination compounds, crystal field theory as applied to colour and magnetic properties of coordination compounds, voltaic cells, cell potentials, free energy, electrical work, Nernst equation, batteries, corrosion and electrolysis will be covered. Prerequisite – CHEM 101.
Course ID: ENGL102
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Course ID: FREN101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
French 101 is the first semester of an introductory French program. This course will help you to learn how to use the French language to communicate about various topics that are relevant to your daily activities, as well as to the realities of the world in which you live. Both classroom activities and major exams will target all four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. You will acquire basic grammatical and lexical knowledge that will allow you to carry out a wide-range of communicative tasks. The language learning process will occur within a cultural framework in which you will be introduced to various French-speaking peoples from Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Course ID: FREN102
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
French 102 is the second semester of an introductory French program which focuses on the French language and Francophone cultures throughout the world. This course is designed to facilitate the further development of your communication skills in French and to give you a balance of all four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By the end of the semester, you will be able to initiate and sustain interactions in French, understand the main ideas of what you hear, see, and read in French, and express yourself clearly in written French. In addition to acquiring intermediate-level grammatical and linguistic knowledge, you will also gain a deeper understanding of diverse aspects of French-speaking cultures. Prerequisites: FREN 101
Course ID: PSYC104
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course is a prerequisite to other psychology courses at Portage College. This Introductory psychology course is intended to inspire an interest in, and an appreciation for, the field of psychology. Topics in this course include the history of psychological science, psychological research methods, the structure and function of the brain and nervous system, learning, sensation, perception, memory, consciousness, thought, and language.
Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: MATH100
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course serves as an introduction to the methods and applications of single variable calculus. Limits are used to investigate continuity and asymptotes, as well as define the processes of differentiation and integration in a precise manner. Students learn to calculate, interpret, and apply derivatives and integrals to solve rate of change problems and to accurately depict the behavior of a function.
Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1 and 60% in MATH 30-1
Course ID: BIOL101
Hours: 84
Credits: 3
Course ID: ENGL106
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Course ID: EASC101
Hours: 84
Credits: 3
Course ID: SOCI101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Course ID: STAT141
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This introductory statistics course provides students in a variety of disciplines with basic knowledge regarding the theory and application of statistics. Prerequisites: 50% in MATH 30-1 or Math 30-2 at 60% and 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: ARTH101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course introduces the history of visual arts and design from the earliest evidence to the fourteenth century. The concentration will be on the history of art in the Near East and Europe: Western Art. Since there has been contact between these areas, the Indian sub-continent and the Far East, and these areas have influenced the later history of Western Art, the art of Asian cultures during this period will also be briefly considered.
In this contemporary age, we are inclined to take visual images for granted, especially with the increase of images in mass advertising and television. In today's digital age, the impact of visual content is becoming more significant with the rise of the Internet and electronic media. Yet of all the arts, the visual arts are perhaps the most dependent on the continuum of evolution, development, tradition, and experimentation founded on earlier models and aesthetics.
This course will, therefore, introduce students to the wealth contained in that continuum. Students will learn the skills necessary to consider visual art in a fulfilling way. Students will acquire some vocabulary, terminology, and more common methodologies. Students will develop skills to analyze and discuss works of art, articulate the cultural context of a piece of art, and identify how art reflects cultural concerns and imperatives. This course constitutes the first half of the basic foundation for all art history courses offered at the university level.
Perhaps most significantly, students will explore some of the greatest human creations, works, constructions, and artifacts that exist, influence, and continue to have power over our imaginations and our intellects.
Course ID: ARTH102
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course introduces the history of visual arts and design from the 14th Century to the present day. While the course can be taken by itself, it also builds on the knowledge gained from ARTH 101, which covers the history of visual arts and design from the earliest times up to the 14th Century. Starting from a period considered to be the origin of our modern age, ARTH 102 follows the development of visual arts to the types of art, design, and architecture found in our contemporary world.
In our modern age, we are inclined to take for granted the cornucopia of visual images and art to which we are exposed, which has increased dramatically with the rise of mass advertising and television. In today's digital age, the impact of visual content is becoming more significant with the rise of the Internet and electronic media. Yet of all the arts, the visual arts are perhaps those most dependent on a continuum of evolution, development, tradition, and experimentation founded on earlier models. This course will introduce you to the wealth contained in that continuum. It will also introduce you to ways of looking at and considering visual art in a deeper and more fulfilling way. Students will acquire some vocabulary, terminology and more common methodologies. You will develop skills in analyzing and discussing works of art, understanding the cultural context of the art, and how works of art reflect cultural concerns and imperatives.
For those who wish to continue the study of art history, this course will provide the foundation for academic approaches to the subject. The course introduces some of the most significant human creations, works, and artifacts that impact human thoughts and experiences while continuing to influence our imaginations and intellect.
Course ID: PHED200
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course explores the study of developmentally appropriate movement activities for children. Students participate in, and work with children in a variety of physical activities in recreational, educational and sport environments. Prerequisite: ELA 30-1.
Course ID: ENGL108
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
English 108 is designed to teach critical writing, critical reading, and critical thinking while studying canonical literary texts from the eighteenth to the twentieth-first centuries. This course combines the study of literary works with instructional texts to teach students to express themselves more clearly in writing and in speech. The creators of this course also hope that students develop an appreciation for fine literary works. This course will present novels and short stories from a variety of historical periods, and from a variety of cultural contexts. Particular emphasis will be place of the development of correct writing style, rhetorical skills, and thinking skills required for academic study. A minimum of thirty percent of class time will be devoted to writing instruction, which may take any or all of the following forms: formal written assignments, informal writing exercises, writing workshops, stylistic and rhetorical analysis, research skills, peer editing, group writing projects, and ungraded writing. Students will write two formal essays that will be graded, including an analytical and a research paper. The total amount of writing will be no less than 3,000 words.
Course ID: EDUC250
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course introduces prospective teachers to the complexity of their future professional roles in today’s schools. Students will be encouraged to consider teaching from “the other side of the desk”, and will leave familiar with the intricate framework in which teachers work, and the expectations of various stakeholders. They will gain a knowledge base on which future Education courses will build, and will be introduced to theories of learning and teaching. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: BIOL102
Hours: 84
Credits: 3
This course is designed for both Biology majors and non-majors, and explores the principal lineages of organisms on earth: bacteria and archaea, fungi, protists, plants and animals. The relationships of these organisms to their environment and their influence in shaping that environment are examined. Evolutionary pathways and their influence on the diversity of extinct and extant organisms and the classification schemes that we use to distinguish them are discussed. The role that organisms (including humans) have played in the development and maintenance of major ecosystem processes are also studied. This course includes a lab component. PREREQUISITES: 60% in ELA 30-1 and 60% in BIO 30
Course ID: HEED105
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to the physical, social, mental, occupational, emotional, environmental and spiritual dimensions of personal health and wellness. These dimensions are described within the context of the Canadian Health Care System and your own individual community. Topics include primary health care, nutrition, exercise, stress management, weight management, eating disorders, common health issues and their prevention. You will be expected to integrate knowledge of the seven dimensions of health and apply this knowledge to a self-analysis of your own health and physical fitness. Finally, you will incorporate change management theory to develop, implement and evaluate a personal wellness plan. The intent of this course is to promote a healthy lifestyle. By examining determinants of health, the current health care system, the seven dimensions of health and applying these concepts to your own lifestyle, you will be better equipped to function as role models and act as change agents for health promotion in your community. Prerequisite 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: BIOL231
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course provides a study of the overall function of the human body. Major topics include fundamental chemistry, homeostasis, cytology and cell physiology, cell signaling and communication, and muscle, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and reproductive physiology, as well as fundamental genetics as it applies to human physiology. This course is designed to prepare students in medical fields of study for advanced courses in their respective fields, as well as other university transfer students.
Pre/Corequisite 60% in ELA 30-1 and BIO 30 BIOL230
Course ID: DRMA102
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
DRMA 102 is an in-depth look into the key elements and concepts of Play Analysis. This course introduces students to a variety of approaches when analyzing plays. It will focus on elements of genre, structure, style, character, theme, language, imagery, and dramatic action, among other topics pertinent to dramatic narrative and structure. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: ANTH103
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
This course gives an anthropological perspective on how the concept of race has been used to understand biological and cultural variation among humans. Issues and topics discussed will include multiculturalism, ethnic identity, prejudice, ethnocentrism, racism, eugenics and the persistence of ethnic identity in the face of globalization. Case studies from different parts of the world are used to illustrate these concepts, including current issues of interest in Canada. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: COMA200
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
Technology Tools for Teaching and Learning will help prepare students to develop and integrate project-based learning skills into the classroom. Students will examine the Information and Communication Technology Outcomes Program of Studies as published by Alberta Learning, and are expected to develop modules that integrate the ICT Outcomes using the Internet, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, and Multimedia application software. PREREQUISITE: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: HIST101
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
History 101 is intended to introduce students both to the content of early modern world history and to the study of history at the university level. In content, the course traces the development of the world from around 1400 to around 1800. As with any history, the focus of the classes and readings is selective; we cannot hope to cover every society and nation in equal depth, but must attempt to negotiate a balance between specific historical detail and broad themes. In the process, students will be expected to develop and utilise skills needed for history as an academic discipline, such as the ability to remember when things happened and how they fit together, the ability to read historical texts carefully and to ask questions of those texts, and the ability to express themselves clearly and coherently in writing. Ideally, students should come away from this course not simply knowing “facts,” but equipped to think historically about the world in which we live, and armed with skills of critical analysis and expression that they will find applicable to many areas of endeavour aside from history. Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1
Course ID: HIST102
Hours: 45
Credits: 3
History 102 is intended to introduce students both to the content of modern world history and to the study of history at the university level. In content, the course traces the development of the modern world since around 1800. As with any history, the focus of the classes and readings is selective; we cannot hope to cover every society and nation in equal depth, but must attempt to negotiate a balance between specific historical detail and broad themes. In the process, students will be expected to develop and utilise skills needed for history as an academic discipline, such as the ability to remember when things happened and how they fit together, the ability to read historical texts carefully and to ask questions of those texts, and the ability to express themselves clearly and coherently in writing. Ideally, students should come away from this course not simply knowing “facts,” but equipped to think historically about the world in which we live, and armed with skills of critical analysis and expression that they will find applicable to many areas of endeavour aside from history. Prerequisites: 60% in ELA 30-1