The Whistleblower Policy protects faculty, students and employees from reprisal if they make good faith disclosures of College-related misconduct.
The MNP Ethics Alert line is a hotline service which is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year in both English and French by trained operators who accept calls and dispatch the information to trained investigators at MNP. The Ethics Alert service incorporates a web portal, telephone service, text, email and fax disclosure abilities. These services provide the whistleblower with a safe, convenient and anonymous method of disclosing concerns in your business. The following is the contact information for whistleblowers.:
Whistleblower Web Portal for Portage College.
Method | Description | |
Toll free calling | 1-866-529-9589 | |
Email (English) | ethics.alert@mnp.ca | |
Email (French) | alerte.ethique@mnp.ca | |
Text reporting | 1-587-435-9589 | |
Fax reporting | 1-403-269-8450 |