Clare's Law: The Disclosure to Protect Against Domestic Violence Act
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Location Online
Time 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Tickets Free Event

About the Event:

On April 1, 2021, Alberta’s Disclosure to Protect Against Violence Act (Clare’s Law) was enacted. Clare’s Law allows people to find out if their intimate partner has a history of violence and provides connections to social support services across Alberta.

Why Attend?

This session is for anyone interested in learning about Clare’s Law and how it can help individuals facing intimate partner violence. You’ll learn how to navigate the application and disclosure process and understand how to support someone seeking information. This is an opportunity to gain practical knowledge on how Clare’s Law can be used to protect and support those at risk.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who wants to learn about Alberta’s Clare’s Law, including community members, informal supporters, volunteers, or individuals who may know someone impacted by domestic violence. This session is open to all who want to better understand the resources available.

If you’re part of an agency involved in Clare’s Law Social Service Response Network and need detailed information on managing referrals, please reach out to for specialized training.

What You’ll Learn:

In this webinar, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Clare’s Law: what it is, how it works, and how to use it. You’ll learn how to support someone through the application process and what your role can be in providing assistance and information.

More details about this workshop and how to register.

Brought to you by Portage College Public Legal Education and the Alberta Law Foundation.

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We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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