If you are thinking of attending college after your career in the military, you may qualify for financial help through the Education and Training Benefit program.
Support our Troops administers the National Scholarship Program, operating within Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. This program awards scholarships to eligible dependents and the spouses of serving or former CAF members.
If you are the child of a deceased Veteran or Canadian Armed Forces member, you may qualify for funding to help. The Government of Canada provides tax-free financial support to a student enrolled in a full-time post-secondary education program.
Flight Sergeant Erlyn E. Kirby Memorial Bursary. This bursary is for descendants of soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for Canada. If the ultimate sacrifice was not made, active duty may be considered.
Portage College has scholarships, awards and bursaries available for students. To qualify students must be registered in, or have successfully graduated from a program and fulfil specific requirements.