Recently Portage partnered with the Rural Development Network to host The Indigenous Resiliency Speaker Series. Special thanks to Pembina Pipeline Corporation and CN for supporting the series.
This event was organized by Lac La Biche County and Portage College.
This video proudly sponsored by Black Scorpion Contracting Ltd.
Kinanâskomitin (thank you) to all involved.
Shawn McDonald, “The Métis Man”
September 15, 2023
Derrick Houle, CEO of Smoke Signal Communications Inc., speaks about “Resiliency and Economy.” This thought provoking presentation helps us to engage in challenging conversations and unite to foster the development of Indigenous communities, ultimately working towards dismantling barriers.
September 22, 2023
Laurie L. Thompson, Principal and Indigenous educational leader in her home community of the Kikino Metis Settlement speaks on the topic of Resiliency titled Metis Net Teachings.
Speakers from 4 Winds Showcase and Market on Feel The Power Of Indigenous Spoken Word with hip hop artist "Toosick." The Rural Development Network and Portage College are pleased to host The Indigenous Resiliency Speaker Series, with special thanks to Pembina Pipeline Corporation and CN for supporting the series.
October 3, 2023
Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, President of the First Nations University of Canada presents: zoongide’ewin (resilience), ahkamêyimok (persist): demonstrations of resilience and persistence over time.
Learn about the origin and history of Portage College over the past 50 years.
A group of Aboriginal students faced with the pending closure of their school decided to challenge the government by staging a sit-in.
This Indigenous tradition is passed on from grandmother to daughter, and sister to sister—the ribbon skirt. Students of the Native Arts and Culture programs make their own ribbon skirts and share with us the importance and significance that ties back to mother earth.
In celebration of Métis Week, the Walgren family are sharing their recipe for canning moose meat. The workshop was held at the Métis Nation of Alberta Association Region 1 office in Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada.
In celebration of Métis Week, the Walgren family are sharing their recipe for canning whitefish that they netted from Lac La Biche Lake. The workshop was held at the Métis Nation of Alberta Association Region 1 office in Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada.
Métis Nation of Alberta Association Region 1 Vice President Jason Ekeberg sits with Michael Walgren and Ethan Walgren to talk about trapping on their traplines located in northern Alberta.
Métis Elder Francis Dumais talks about his life as a Métis man.