Instructor in Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
Practitioners working with foundational learners will become more purposeful in their approach and intentional in their instruction and will support learners to extend their thinking, build understanding, develop new competencies, or reinforce existing proficiencies in identified areas of learning.
Both streams of the Instruction in Foundational Literacy and Numeracy micro-credentials are offered online throughout the year. They are flexible and properly paced with a Portage College instructor providing support throughout the program.
Topics include:
Foundational Learning Instructor
Introduction to Foundational Literacy
Foundational Learning Instructor
Introduction to Foundational Numeracy
Foundational Learning Instructor
Introduction to Foundational Digital Skills
Foundational Learning Instructor
Introduction to Foundational Skills for Learning
Each mini-course is expected to take between 10 and 15 hours to complete, and can be taken in any order after completing the introductory mini-course.
After completing all of the mini-courses, learners will work directly with an instructor to apply their learning to their own practice such as tutoring or program delivery.
Upon successful completion of all the requirements, the learner will be granted a micro-certificate from Portage College in the associated stream.
Programming is tuition-free, but registrants must be associated with an Alberta Community Adult Learning Program as a staff member or volunteer.
This micro-credential is provided through collaboration between Portage College and the Community Learning Network.
For more information about this program and to register contact: Continuing Education in Lac La Biche toll free at 1-888-745-0719 or email Continuing Education.