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The Museum of Aboriginal Peoples' Art & Artifacts offers a unique opportunity to experience Aboriginal culture while learning the skills to create a project of your own.  

Year-round Museum Workshops Open to Youth Groups and k-12 School 

Please contact the Museum to book.

Simple Workshops - Cost $5.00 per participant, approximately 20 minutes per session

Simple Beaded Key Ring
Simple Beaded Key Ring
Medicine Wheels have been found throughout the world. What are they, and what do they represent? You will learn about the Wheel and its importance in symbolism to Indigenous peoples while creating a key chain of simple beads. It represents the sun, the moon, the cycles of the seasons, the cycle of life from death to rebirth, and the four directional colors.

Spirit Feather
Spirit Feather Bead Brooch
Feathers are important to the Indigenous People. In this workshop, you will learn the legend and the significance of feathers to the Indigenous peoples.  How and why feathers were obtained will be explained. Basic feather-tying skills, a must for any feather work, will be taught while creating a beautiful feather and bead brooch.

Birch Bark Card
Birch bark is used for many things, including containers, canoes, and shelters. In this workshop, you will create a unique handmade card using thin birch bark, glue, scissors, and card stock. How and when birch bark is collected will be discussed while learning how to thin the bark to obtain different shades to create cards. This workshop will take approximately 30 minutes.   

Intermediate Workshops  - Cost $10.00 per participant, approximately 1 hour per session

Talking Stick
Talking Stick
For centuries tools have been used during council meetings to maintain order and fairness. While creating a Talking Stick from willow, feathers and thread, the discussion will focus on using these tools and the proper protocol.

Mini Headdress
Mini Headdress
The headdress is one of the most recognizable symbols that depict the Indigenous People. But who wears them, or how many feathers are used? These questions will be answered while creating a miniature headdress from beads, safety pins, feathers, and leather.

Advanced Workshops - Cost $30.00 per participant, approximately 3 hours per session   

Mandela Dream Catcher
The Circle is a very important symbol to the World's people. The meaning of the circle and the importance of design will be discussed while creating a beautiful Mandela made from leather, which is webbed into a circular frame and painted.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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