The sharpest minds in post-secondary Business programs from all across the province are about to go head-to-head. This year’s competition is going to be like no other because this past year has been like no other!
The Alberta Deans of Business Case Competition annual event starts on March 11 at Red Deer College. All 14 teams will present on Saturday, March 13 in front of a panel of judges. The competition will include post-secondary Business students from all across Alberta analyzing and presenting strategic solutions and recommendations to accelerate the business.
The five team members from Portage College are ready! They have been preparing with mock cases to strategically analyze and create real solutions. This requires the students to use the knowledge gained in all of their business courses. This year’s team consists of Dylan Craig, Keally McDermott, Kelly Orr, Katie Pankhurst, and Andrea Aguilar.
Despite being hopeful that the showdown will be face-to-face, this year’s competition will be held completely virtually. Still giving the students valuable experience that will positively impact the competitors for their futures. With being strictly virtual, teams will still be given a case to analyze and research, but their final presentation will be done at their home campus at Lac La Biche and submitted online for a panel of judges.
“When the Business Case Competition team became an opportunity, I did not hesitate to join. I believe it is a valuable experience that I can carry forward after graduation. I feel that I am entering each new course with an open mind and an already abundant wealth of knowledge that I have learned from not only this experience but my other teammates.” Portage College student, Kelly Orr, enrolled in the Business Management Diploma program and competing for her second year.
All Alberta post-secondary institutions are eligible to participate and the competition is fierce. Rules allow the teams a one-time consult with faculty from their institution. Portage College Business Instructors, Brian Thorne, and Allan Robertson can only advise the students on their presentation.
“We have learned a lot through the training and the advisors have prepared us very well to compete against the other post-secondary institutions, including even the larger ones across Alberta.” Portage College Student Dylan Craig, enrolled in the collaborative Bachelor of Business Administration Management between NAIT and Portage College.
For photo opportunities, interviews of students, and more information about the Alberta Deans of Business Case Competition contact:
Nicole Solie | Marketing Specialist Portage College
(780) 404-5525