Alaxo Airway Stents (Alaxo), providers of FDA-cleared and Health Canada-registered, clinically proven, internationally patented, innovative stent-based therapies to support healthy, natural, nasal breathing solutions for sleep, snoring, sleep apnea, enhanced athletic performance and overall improved health and well-being, announces its partnership with Portage College, Alberta, Canada.
Alaxo is establishing operations in Portage College’s campus in the Town of St. Paul, Alberta, Canada to support its North American growth. The partnership will explore and develop a number of initiatives including educational training, support programs, and clinical and sports enhancement testing. Alaxo’s immediate focus will be on setting up a North American call center. Portage and Alaxo have started collaborating to develop instructional programs that will be used as training tools for Alaxo’s medical personnel and patients.
Nancy Broadbent, President and CEO of Portage College, says, “This is a wonderful opportunity for our students, communities and province. Portage College is proud to be supporting industry attraction to the St. Paul region for our much needed economic recovery and future sustainability. We can’t wait to get started!”
“We’re very excited about this opportunity to work with Portage College, St. Paul, and the surrounding communities. The diversity within Portage College provides unique opportunities for Alaxo. Portage and Alaxo will be exploring opportunities to support health initiatives within the Indigenous communities across Canada. Alaxo intends to include its existing and future partnerships in its collaboration with Portage.” says Jack Huber, President of Alaxo, noting that Portage College will provide a long-term lease of space for a call centre, office space and future expansion.
“In addition, we will develop sleep health courses to increase awareness of the importance of sleep. This partnership will provide hands-on, work-integrated learning opportunities that includes attracting health care providers, expanding program development and creating scholarships.”
About Alaxo
Alaxo offers FDA-cleared and Health Canada-registered, clinically proven, internationally patented, innovative stent-based therapies to support healthy, natural, nasal breathing solutions for snoring, sleep apnea and enhanced athletic performance. Alaxo innovative stents support the upper airway passage to allow for better airflow and easier breathing all of which can improve day-to-day health and well-being. Visit: www.alaxocanada.com; Contact: Info@alaxocanada.com
About Portage College
Portage College is a public board-governed college operating under the Alberta Post-secondary Learning Act. The College has been serving the region for over 50 years and is proud to be the first choice for learners in northeast Alberta. Portage boasts seven campus locations including St. Paul, all of which are strategically located throughout the region to connect people with knowledge, skills and opportunities. Visit: www.portagecollege.ca; Contact: Info@portagecollege.ca
Media Contacts
Alaxo Airway Stents - CPR Communications
Brittany Tedesco
201-641-1911 x 14
Portage College
Jaime Davies