Portage College, in partnership with Lac La Biche County, is holding an open call for artists to perform as part of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Distinguished Artist Awards in June 2021. Submissions will be used to develop a program for the awards gala and banquet. Performances will be held at McArthur Park (outdoor) and/or Portage College Lac La Biche campus. The theme is “Art Nature - The Confluences of Creation”. Event planning is based on face-to-face with consideration for virtual opportunities.
Artists will identify with one or more of the following categories:
Submissions will be assessed based on performance experience, suitability for event, and proposal for event performance. This call is open to all types of performing artists. There is no fee to submit. Preference will be given to unique performances.
Artists are responsible for any specialty equipment associated with their performance. Basic sound and audio will be available.
Sets can be up to 15 minutes in length and can be any type of performance art including but not limited to music, dance, comedy, spoken word, etc.
Performance fees will be based on applicable professional association (i.e. CARFAC, Canada Council, CAEA, CADA etc.) fee schedule.
Support Material
Please include the following with your submission:
Deadline for submissions February 26, 2021.
Electronic submissions are preferred and can be emailed to events@portagecollege.ca including LGADAA in the subject line. Submissions sent by mail must be postmarked no later than this date to Box 417, 9531-94 Ave, Lac La Biche Portage College Campus, with attention to Carrie Froehler. Applications received after this deadline will only be considered should performance opportunities still be available. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Artist selection will be by selection committee and contracts will be completed. Arrangements for performance and production details will follow.
Note: Submission materials will not be returned. Artists are responsible for any travel arrangements and expenses that are not included in their performance agreement.
For more information, please contact events@portagecollege.ca or call 780-623-5581.