Portage College is adding micro-credentials to its list of offerings. These short programs, made up of short-term, competency-based courses that are additional, alternate, complementary or a component of a formal qualification, are becoming increasingly popular. Governments in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and other jurisdictions across the world are focusing on the potential that micro-credentials offer students and employers. Working with research groups, industry, and community representatives Portage College has been busy developing these high-quality micro-credentials to ensure learners have the skills they need to succeed.
“The concept of a micro-credential as short, industry-recognized training is not new, but what we are seeing is that micro-credentials are becoming increasingly relevant as individuals are looking to upskill or reskill in smaller bursts of time,” said Don Moore, Associate Dean — Faculty of Paramedicine, Education, Native Arts and Trades & Technology. “At Portage College, we have been immersed in the micro-credential world with our industry partners this past year, and are excited to be able to offer new programming.”
Portage College is offering the following micro-credentials in the next few months:
Portage College’s micro-credential sub-committee has worked across the College to create a clear process and guiding principles for micro-credentials based on credible research and case studies. The guiding principles focus on assuring that these short courses are flexible and accessible for learners, meet the qualification and flexibility needs of employers and students, are subject to rigorous quality assurances processes, and can create pathways into certificate, diploma and degree programs.
The College has engaged with stakeholders, industry, research agencies and other post-secondaries to create a seamless path for students to learn, earn and contribute to society with their certifications. The College has also consulted with groups that have already implemented micro-credentials. Groups such as Labour Education Applied Research North (LEARN), Colleges and Institutes Canada and the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario have been very helpful in providing additional research as well as design models for micro-credentials. Portage will continue to work with industry, community, post-secondary institutions and government to create the on-demand micro-credential programming required.
“After a year of responsiveness and innovation, these programs are so timely for students, industry, and post-secondaries across our province,” said Moore.
Media Inquiries:
Jaime Davies, Corporate Communications Manager
780-623-5581 or email