Five Tips for Staying Awake in Class
June 22, 2015

Paying attention in class can be hard sometimes. Maybe you're sleepy, or distracted, or dare we say...bored? Yes, bored! Sometimes you're just not interested in what your instructor is talking about, and it's okay to admit not all of your classes are super exciting all of the time. But no matter what the topic is, your instructor is giving you valuable information you need to remember for assignments, tests, and for the jobs you plan on getting after graduation. Here are a few simple tips to help you stay alert in class!

  1. Get a good night's sleep! If you're watching Netflix until 2 in the morning and you have to be up at 7:00 a.m. to start getting ready for school, you're not going to be well rested. Aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep on school nights so you're wide awake when you get to class.
  2. Bring a cup of coffee, tea, or ice cold water with you to class! The caffeine will perk you up, but taking sips every so often will give you something to do and help prevent you from nodding off. Ice cold water sets off the cold sensors in your skin which speeds up your heart rate, putting you in a more alert state.
  3. Take notes! Because the world is becoming more tech savvy every day, a lot of instructors put their lectures into a PowerPoint that's made available to you after class. Also, students are using their phones to record their lectures so they can listen back to them when needed. But taking notes whether you're writing them down or typing them out on your laptop, is a great way to help you stay focused. So even if the lecture is there for you to reference after class, jot down a few notes anyway.
  4. Ask questions! A lot of people avoid asking questions because they don't want to look stupid, but chances are if you're unclear about something, there are a few other people in your class who are unclear too. Aim to ask at least one question per class. That'll help you focus on what your instructor is saying, and help you better understand the material.
  5. Take a bathroom break! Excuse yourself so you can go to the bathroom, even if it's just to wash your hands or touch up your hair. Going for a short walk will get your body moving and wake you up long enough to get through the rest of your class.

Have any tips and tricks you use to help you stay alert in class? Tweet them to us - @PortageCollege.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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