There are several places where you can receive assistance if you have been impacted directly or indirectly by sexual violence. You have the right to be believed and we will protect your dignity and treat you with compassion.
Campus Security - 780-623-5587
Students, staff and faculty can report incidents of sexual violence to campus security. They are available 24-hour, seven days a week. Our security staff can help you with reporting to police as well as put you in contact with a campus counsellor.
Counselling Services
You can receive confidential support from professional counsellors. Counselling support is available to all those impacted, including survivors, witnesses and students accused of sexual violence. They can also assist students with connections to resources. You can reach them Monday to Friday during business hours at 1-866-623-5551 ask for counselling services or use the location phone numbers below. After hours call Campus Security at 780-623-5587 and ask for counselling services.
Human Resources
Members of the College who have experienced sexual violence are encouraged to come forward to disclose as soon as they are able to do so. Call 780-623-5747.
A trained staff member will be able to guide the employee to gain the help and resources needed, such as; accessing professional help and explaining the options for filing a report, as well as the options for not reporting, so the employee can make the decision that's right for them.
Members of the College community should immediately report sexual violence incidents they witness or have knowledge of, or where they have reason to believe that sexual violence has occurred or may occur. See item 6 Reporting Disclosure and Response to Sexual Violence in the Guidelines / Procedures B.6.5 Prevention of Sexual Violence. Prevention of Sexual Violence B.6.5 Guidline / Procedures.