
Portage College benefits from significant support in the form of public funding, student tuition, and private contributions. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of stewardship of these resources. Our fundraising practices are guided by the Code of Ethics and the Donor Bill of Rights of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

We have a number of recognition opportunities available and are open to customizing packages to meet your needs. If you're interested in learning more about how you can support Portage College and the opportunities available, please call 780-623-5591.

We are grateful for every gift - big and small. We would like to thank our supporters listed below for all of their generous contributions. Your support is instrumental to enhancing the College's programs and student support.

$100,000 - $499,999
Lac La Biche County

$50,000 - $99,999
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

$10,000 - $49,999
TD Home and Auto

$5,000 – $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc. o/a Wolf Midstream
Britton’s Your Independent Grocer
Estate of Helen Loosmore
Gisel & Larry Christensen
OCL Group

$1,000 - $4,999
C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
Golf Canada Foundation
Lac La Biche Lions Club
Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 28
Student's Association of Portage College
The Rotary Club of Lac La Biche

$500 - $999
Alberta Blue Cross
David Paul
Jim Knight
Lakeland Classic Wheels Club

$100 - $499
Alberta Craft Council
Dawson Benson
Werner and Cornelia Heim

$50 - $99
Al Bertschi
Andrea Sawatzky
Bradley Vonk
Carrie Froehler
Corrinna Ponich
Sheryl Parker

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2023-2024 are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged.

$100,000 - $499,999
Lac La Biche County

$50,000 - $99,999
Student Association of Portage College

$10,000 - $49,999
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
C.S.T. Savings Inc.
D.D. Squares Canada
Charles & Judith Van Duren

$5,000 – $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc. o/a Wolf Midstream
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Ltd.
Britton’s Your Independent Grocer
Larry Christensen
Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines

$1,000 - $4,999
Craigend Recreation & Agricultural Society
Lavon Fleming
Lac La Biche Lions Club
MEG Energy Corp.
Royal Canadian Legion
St. Paul Canadiens

$500 - $999
Jim Knight

$100 - $499
Carina Hanson
Debra Hrynyk
St. Paul Chamber of Commerce

$50 - $99
Amie Elponoria
Dave Holmberg
Lorne & Margaret Millar

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2022-2023 fiscal year are correctly recognized in the Annual Report. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College also acknowledges $2,679.99 raised by staff during various fundraisers throughout the academic year and $325 in donations of less than $50.

$100,000 - $499,999
Lac La Biche County

$50,000 - $99,999
C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
Michael Mucz

$10,000 - $49,999
Canadian Natural Resources

$5,000 – $9,999
4454 Source Office Furniture & Systems Ltd.
Access Pipeline Inc. o/a Wolf Midstream
Lac La Biche Kinsmen Club
Portage College Athletics Association
Tim & Helene Froehler
Keith McDonald
David Paul
Robbie Richard
Road to Hope Community Support Foundation
Beryl Wylie

$1,000 - $4,999
John & Elaine Belanger
Beryl Froehler
Zaheerali Lakhani
Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Award Foundation
Brandi Mielke
Karen Perry
Royal Canadian Legion
The Benevity Community Impact Fund

$500 - $999
Barbara Aylett
Randi & Brandon Beck
Mike & Heather Dempsey
Brad Froehler
Tracy Orr
Lisa Paquette
Allan Robertson
Eric & Tracy Smith
Todd & Debbie Tesolin
Kong & Fong Thammavongsa
Alice Thompson
Marcel Ulliac
Vivo Team
Susan Ward
Rod & Wendy Webb
Collin Williams

$100 - $499
2115212 Alberta Limited
Nete Albrecht
Glen & Eleisa Anderson
Darcy Belanger
Gwen Beniuk
Lisa Beniuk
Al Bertschi
Jim Booth
Mike & Nancy Broadbent
Wade & Lindsay Cadieux
Claire Caffrey
Philip Chapman
D. Work & Sons Trucking
Andre & Charissa Delaire
Richard & Laurette Doucet
Gary Dudinsky
Cherly Edwards
Doug & Nancy Ference
Chantal Froehler
Jeff Froehler
M & M Froehler
Mark & Kelsey Froehler
Ryan Froehler
Trevor Froehler
Kevin & Mara Gagne
Gary & Juanita Goreniuk
Rod Gramlich
Leanne Gust
Tom & Terry Hannan
Carina Hanson
Mathieu Johnson
Ashley & Chris Kilmer
Sue Kim
Jim Knight
Jennifer & Darryl Li
Bruce Mayer
Corey McDonald-Jerrett
Omer & Bev Moghrabi
Michelle & Blair Norton
Pierre Oberg
Tracy Orr
Lisa Paquette
Allan Robertson
Eric & Tracy Smith
Todd & Debbie Tesolin
Kong & Fong Thammavongsa
Alice Thompson
Marcel Ulliac
Vivo Team
Susan Ward
Rod & Wendy Webb
Collin Williams

$50 - $99
Sandra Bishop
Boisvert Consulting
Louise Bourque
Margaret Ewasiuk
Cathy Fisher
Patricia Flatla
Rick Flumian
Merlyn Foo
Carrie Froehler
Ali Ghutmy
Geraldine Hagen
Debra Hamar
Matthew Harnum
Janet & Boyd Harrison
Dave Holmberg
Nancy & Dean Litzenberger
Danielle McArthur
Stewart & Joanne McKay
John McLevin
Garry & Emily Nevill
Phyllis Normandeau
Wayne Pelletier
Virginia Ritson-Bennett
Jean Therou

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2021-2022 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College also  acknowledges $885.65 in donations of less than $50.

$10,000 – $29,999
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
Cenovus Energy Inc.
Jane Ash Poitras

$5,000 – $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc.
C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
Meloche Monnex Inc.
Thompson and Hawkins

$1,000 – $4,999
Chase Morgan
History and Heroes Foundation
Michael Mucz
Portage College Athletics Association
Royal Canadian Legion
Students' Association of Portage College

$100 – $499
Brian McMeekin
Lisa Beniuk
Mel Pesony
Rod & Wendy Webb
Sherisse Janvier
Sylvannah Densmore

$50 – $99
Ali Ghutmy
Allan Robertson
Fran Stewart
Geraldine Hagen
Jim Booth
Jim Henson
Karen Perry
Matthew Harnum
Michelle Francis

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2020-2021 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College also acknowledges $981.25 in donations of less than $50.

$30,000 – $149,999
Lac La Biche County

$10,000 – $29,999
C.S.T. Consultants
Obsidian Energy

$5,000 – $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc.
BearClaw Gallery
Britton’s Your Independent Grocer
Pembina Pipeline Corporation

$1,000 – $4,999
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries
Estate of Eddy Cobiness
Royal Canadian Legion
RBC Foundation

$500 – $999
Dave Holmberg
Lakeland Brewing Company
Servus Credit Union

$100 – $499
Christine Tredger
Community Learning for Adults Society
CSI Global Education Inc.
Eleisa Anderson
Mike and Nancy Broadbent

$50 – $99
Geoff and Karen Hibbs
Geraldine Hagen
Guy Gervais
Jaime Davies
Janice Cooley
Karen Perry
Ken and Bernadette Kaufman
Lisa Beniuk
Mark and Shelley Doyle
Nadia Abougoush
Shun Li

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2019-2020 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College wishes to gratefully acknowledge various anonymous donations totaling $5,154.46.

$30,000 - $149,999
Devon Canada
Lac La Biche County

$10,000 - $29,999
Cenovus FCCL Ltd.
Joseph Sanchez
MEG Energy Corp.
Portage College Student Association

$5,000 - $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc.
Britton’s Your Independent Grocer
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
Jane Ash Poitras
Stantec Consulting

$1,000 - $4,999
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries
Ernest Jacobsen
History & Heroes Foundation
Lac La Biche Transport
Lac La Biche Canadian Native Friendship Centre
Oil Sands Community Alliance
Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Royal Canadian Legion
Saddle Lake Reinvestment Program
Stantec Consulting

$500 - $999
Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
City of Cold Lake
Dale and Shelley Franchuk
Jeremy Trimble
Kimberly Cardinal
La Bones Sports Pub
Lac La Biche IGA
Lac La Biche Sporting Goods
Portage College Faculty Association
Randolph Benson Professional Corporation
Smiley’s Smaiel Holdings
Village of Boyle

$100 - $499
Alberta Milk Sponsorship
Allan Bertschi
Barry and Donna Feledichuk
Carrie Froehler
Charlie and Leona Ristau
Christopher Leveck
Dale Bourque
Dallaire Interiors
Dave Holmberg
David Paul
Fountain Tire
Gail Poitras
Genevieve Milliken
Geoff and Karen Hibbs
Gerald Gervais
Guy Gervais
Jaime Davies
Jane Sinclair
Jennifer Okrainec
Jim Booth
Jim Knight
Jon and Kathleen Skjersven
Krissa Kirechuk
Pierre and Kristina Oberg
Mandy Ray
Mike and Nancy Broadbent
No Frills (Cold Lake)
North Corridor Boyle Co-op
Raymond and Claudette Dubé
Réjean and Jacqueline Giasson
ReMax Lac La Biche Realty
Rod and Wendy Webb
SMalo Math Consulting
TD Bank
Tirecraft (Oasis Sales & Service)
Todd Thompson
Tom and Susan White
Tracy Boyde
Trevor Cardinal

$50 - $99
Michelle Wright
Robin Tizzard
Shun Li
Wesley Morgan

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2018-2019 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College wishes to gratefully acknowledge various anonymous donations totaling $6,636.13

Lac La Biche County

$30,000 - $149,999
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
Devon Canada
MEG Energy Corp.

$10,000 - $29,999
City of Cold Lake
Xerox Canada Ltd.

$5,000 - $9,999
Access Pipeline Inc.
County of St. Paul

$1,000 - $4,999
Alberta Aboriginal Women's Society
Britton's Your Independent Grocer
Myrna Fox
North American Indian Rodeo Association
Owl River Recreation
Pembina Golf Club
Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Questfire Energy
Royal Canadian Legion
Saddle Lake Reinvestment Program
Stantec Consulting
WSP Canada Inc.

$500 - $999
Lac La Biche IGA
Mike and Nancy Broadbent
June Cardinal-Howse and Allan Howse
Trent and Bonita Keough

$100 - $499
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries
Allan Robertson
Amanda Alook
Barry and Donna Feledichuk
Barry and Lisa Symington
Beverly Lockett
Blue Quills University
Brenda R. Daley
Calliou Oilfield Clearing Ltd.
Carrie Froehler
Community Futures Lac La Biche
Darrel Bird
Darrell and Laura Stephansson
David Hanson
David Paul
Gail Hiar
Geoff and Karen Hibbs
Goodfish Lake Development Corp
Guy Gervais
Heart Lake Construction
J.A. Williams High School
Jaime Davies
Joleyne Mayers-Jaekel
Lac La Biche Stationers
Leanne Coonan
Loranda Ahnassay
Lyla Allan
Mitch Mindus
O/A Shotgun Maintenance
Portage College Faculty Association
Portage College Student Association
Randolph Benson Professional Corp
Smiley's Smail Holdings
Squirrely's Gas Bar
Ted Langford
Thomas Lett
Tim Dennis
Tirecraft (Oasis Sales and Service)
Tracy Boyde
Venture Building Supplies Inc.
Village of Boyle

$50 - $99
Charlyn Moore
Kelly Mitchell
Lindsay Lee Jackson
Robin Tizzard
Sherraz Moghrabi
St. Paul Champions for Change Society

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2017-2018 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College wishes to gratefully acknowledge various anonymous donations totaling $1,968.76.

$10,000 - $24,999 
Britton's Your Independent Grocer
Cenovus FCCL Ltd.
Devon Canada 

$5,000 - $9,999 
Access Pipeline Inc.
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 
City of Cold Lake 

$1,000 - $4,999 
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries 
Bogar Ventures Ltd. 
Brad Musat
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
ESC Automation
Goodfish Lake Development Corp.
Karen Brown
Lac La Biche County
Lac La Biche IGA
Lakeland Geocache Society
MEG Energy Corp.
Michelle Wright
Mike & Lyla Allan
Myrna Fox
NU Nenne - Stantec
Palamaruk Golf & Apparel
Primco Dene Ltd.
ReMax / Lac La Biche Realty
Saddle Lake Reinvestment Program
Seven Lakes Oilfield Services
Sherraz Moghrabi
Squirrely's Fas Gas
Swamp Cats
Trent & Bonita Keough
WSP Canada Inc.
Village of Boyle
X-Cell Foods (Boston Pizza)

$500 - $999
Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
Barry & Donna Feledichuk
Barry Chwedoruk
Century 21 Lakeland Real Estate (2008) Ltd.
Community Futures Lac La Biche
Dale Mountain
David Paul
David Tipton
Guy Gervais
Jacknife Timber
Jim Knight
Johnson Inc.
Kalan Britton
Keyano Pimee Exploration Company Ltd.
La Biche Ford
LLB Modern Wears Ltd.
Mike & Nancy Broadbent
OK Industries
Portage College Student Association
Ray Danyluk
Robin Tizzard
Smiley's Smaiel Holdings
Tim Thompson
Tracy Boyde
Venture Building Supplies

$100 - $499
Ajaz Quraishi
Al Webber
Allan Bertschi
Allie Ferris
Andrea Tardiff
Aurèle Malo
Aurora Middle School
Barb Peters
Bonnie Tourand
Bonnyville-Cold Lake Constituency Office
Brenda Cardinal
Brian Wanner
Brittany Daigle
Brownlee LLP
Carol Kunz
Carrie Froehler
Cathy White
Charles & Janice Duckett
Christine Martin
Cold Lake Ford
Colleen Creguer-Norgate
Community Futures - St. Paul/Smoky Lake
Craig Copeland
Dale & Shelley Franchuk
Daniel Small
Danny Smaiel
Darren Pratch
David Hanson
Ethan Fayad
Garnett Lett
Gary Gagnon
Gateway Dental Clinic
Geoff & Karen Hibbs
Grant Theroux
Harley Ludington
Jaime Davies
Jenetta Gale
Jenna Hupka
Joanne Neuman
Joleyne Mayers-Jaekel
K. Polturak Management & Consulting Inc.
Kathleen Skjersven
Kim Winger
Lac La Biche Post
Lakeland Credit Union
Laurent & Patti Amyotte
Leanne Coonan
Leigh & Emily Steele
Leway Backhoe Services Ltd.
Lac La Biche Sporting Goods
Marja Verhagen
Megan Edmunds
Multi Test
Northern Lights School Division
Octopus Creative Inc.
Omer & Bev Moghrabi
Opus Stewart Weir
Patricia Flatla
Portage College Faculty Association
Portage College Staff Association
Réjean & Jacqueline Giasson
Richard Cameron
Rick Beecroft
Rick Flumian
Shelia Rabik
Shun Li
SMalo Math Consulting (Sylvia Malo)
SMR Diesel Trucks
Sylvia Thom
Tanya Shukaliak
Tarrabain Motor Products
Tirecraft (Oasis Sales & Service)
Travis Lansing
Twintel Communications Ltd.
Wildwoods Inc.

Barbara Colliar-Brown
Beverly Lockett
Carson Johnstone
Charlie Ashby
Donna Côté
Geraldine Hagen
Jamie Wogernoski
Justin Rogers
Kim Onciul
Linda Cummins
Meghan Eigler
Michelle Plamondon
Monica Gordon
Patricia Miller
Rik Nikoniuk
Robert Richard
Roy Ripkens
Thelma Rocks
Tom & Terry Hannan
Tracy Orr

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2016-2017 fiscal year are recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College wishes to gratefully acknowledge various anonymous donations totaling $25,404.

$10,000 - $24,999
Britton's Your Independent Grocer
Cenovus FCCL Ltd.
Devon Canada
Lac La Biche County
MEG Energy Corp.
Western Air Rescue

$5,000 - $9,999
Access Pipeline
Myrna Fox

$1,000 - $4,999
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries
Bogar Ventures Ltd.
Boston Pizza Lac La Biche
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
City of Cold Lake
Community Futures Lac La Biche
Integrated Environment
Jim Knight
Karlee Richard
Lac La Biche IGA
Lac La Biche Kinsmen Club
Lac La Biche Transport
Mad Oilfield Solutions
Mike & Nancy Broadbent
Nexen Incorporation
North American Indian Rodeo Association
Northern Lights Public Schools
Parkland Developments
Portage College Executive Committee
Portage College Student Association
Reynolds, Mirth, Richards & Farmer LLP
Ryan Small
Servus Credit Union
St. Paul & District Lions Club
Stantec Consulting
Town of St. Paul
Trent & Bonita Keough
Village of Boyle

$500 - $999
Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
Aurora Middle School
Barry & Donna Feledichuk
Brent & Shirley Macfadyen
Community Futures St. Paul Smoky Lake
Connie Brodbin
Dale Mountain
Darrell Younghans
Darren Pratch
David Paul
Dirt Road Contracting Inc. (Chris Rizzoli)
Ernie Chrapko
Great West Newspapers
Heart Lake First Nation
Johnson Inc. (Kurt Wilchuk)
Karen Brown
Lac La Biche Chamber of Commerce
Lac La Biche Post
Lyla Allan
Omer & Bev Moghrabi
Portage College Faculty Association
Ray Danyluk
Shelley Franchuk
Smiley's Smaiel Holdings
Strad Energy Services Ltd.
Tarrabain Motor Products
The Renovators (Laurent & Patti Amyotte)
Tracy Boyde
Trevor R. Lee Law Office

$100 - $499
Adrian Dyer
All About Safety Services
Allan Bertschi
Andre & Charissa Delaire
Andrew Whitson
Angel Bigelow
Arnie Caplan
Arthi Nowak
Ashtinn Cardinal
Athabasca County
Barb Peters
Battle River Alliance
Brenda Wowk
Carol Hebert
Carrie Froehler
Carrie Wilkins
Chelsey Bourassa
Christie Deret
Christine Martin
David Hanson
Debbie Poulin
Don & Brenda Shepert
Donna Lloyd
Donna Rice
Ed & Sharon Behnke
Eleisa Anderson
Elisha Sturges
Elnar Johanson
Gayle Desmeules
Geoff & Karen Hibbs
Guy Gervais
Harley Ludington
Hawkings, Epp, Dumont LLP (Michael Epp)
Jacquie Fenske
Jamie Percy
Janet Harrison
Jennifer Okrainec
Jonathan Wescott
Karen Shapka
Kathleen Skjersven
Ken Kaufman
Kyle Miller
Lac La Biche Glass & Mirror
Lac La Biche Health Foundation
Lee Gosselin
Lenora LeMay
Leonard & Yvette Shostak
Lisa Mukai
Lisa Sparks
Lori Friesen
Marcomm Works
Marie Fischer
Marion Sahy
Meredith Allan
Michelle Toner
Mike Weber
Morris Holota
Natalie Horne
Ovide & Yvette Langevin
Pamela Onciul
Pat O'Neil
Patricia Miller
PFA Canada
Rae Boisvert
ReMax Lac La Biche Realty
Reuel Thomas
Robin Tizzard
Rod & Wendy Webb
Roger Monahan
Ruth Crosswhite
Saddle Lake Post Secondary Program
Sandra Merchant
Sherraz Moghrabi
S Malo Math Consulting (Sylvia Malo)
Sterling Oilfield Solutions
Tom & Terry Hannan
Tyler Jackson
Tyres Holloway
Victoria Bruno
Victoria Ottie
Wayne Tymofichuk
Wendy Verboom
Willie & Nabeela Abougouche
Winding Road Artisan Cheese

$50 - $99
Andrea Malo
Bart Clark
Brenda Arnfinson
Carol Smith
Carol Ulliac
Cathy McGillivray
Crystal Dechaine
Doug Ferguson
Frances Stewart
Glen Lalonde
Jackie Giasson
Janet Auger
Jennifer Beniuk
Jim Booth
Liz Merpaw
Lyle Shemonichek
Rod Calliou
Ruby Sweetman
Stacey Axenchuk
Tanya Shukaliak

We have made every effort to ensure all our contributors to our 2015-2016 fiscal year are correctly recognized. We apologize if an error or an omission has occurred. The timing of your donation can also determine the year in which it is acknowledged. The College wishes to gratefully acknowledge various anonymous donations totalling $43,886.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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