March 21

Value: $750        

Number available: 1

Deadline: March 21


  • Must provide documentation of a disability (permanent or temporary, physical or learning)
  • Must be registered in at least two 3-credit courses in fall and winter terms at Portage College
  • Must be an Alberta resident
  • Demonstrate satisfactory academic standing as confirmed by program area
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Students already in receipt of other awards totaling more than $3,500 are not eligible for this bursary

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $1,000       

Number available: 2

Deadline: March 21


  • Must be registered full-time in one of the following programs:

Group A

Business Administration Certificate or Diploma

Office Administration

Emergency Medical Responder

Primary Care Paramedic

Advanced Care Paramedic

Group B

Apprenticeship Electrician

Apprenticeship Steamfitter/Pipefitter

Apprenticeship Welding

Heavy Equipment Operator

Environmental Technologist

Power Engineering 4th or 3rd Class

Provide proof of physical address (no box #'s)-Must have lived in the local community (100 km radius of Al-Pac) for at least five years, or been brought up in the community and returning for college

  • Include a list of in extra-curricular activities you are involved in (e.g. hockey, basketball, volleyball, hunting, fishing) 

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $500

Number available: 2 per deadline

Deadlines: September 27, November 1, January 17 and March 21


  • Registered full-time in a first-year career training or apprenticeship program (not upgrading)
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Must have successfully completed Career & Technology Studies (CTS) courses related to training/career goal while attending high school or ACE
  • Provide most recent high school transcript identifying the CTS course
  • Available once per student per program of study.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $2,500  

Number available: 2 per deadline

Deadlines: November 1 and March 21


  • Registered in either 4th or 3rd Class Power Engineering, Pre-Employment or Apprenticeship Welding, Apprenticeship Steamfitter Pipefitter
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Must be a permanent resident of the Lac La Biche area (provide proof)

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $500

Number available: 1

Deadline: March 21


  • Registered and graduating from a diploma program (with preference given to Educational Assistant, Early Learning and Child Care, and CSW)
  • Must be pursuing his/her post-secondary education on a full-time basis in the fall of current year, with preference given to University Transfer students
  • Must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 upon completion of the second year of the diploma program
  • Proof of registration in further studies
  • Must submit a detailed plan outlining your career plans

Note: Cheques will be released in October after confirmation of enrolment in further studies.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $400     

Number available: 4 per deadline

Deadline: September 27 and March 21


  • Must have moved to Alberta to pursue education at Portage College
  • Available only the first year attending studies after moving here
  • Provide proof of home community/out-of-province permanent residence address (e.g. driver’s license, health care card, etc.)
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $400     

Number available: 2 per deadline

Deadlines: September 27, November 1, January 17, March 21 & May 9


  • Registered in part-time studies at Portage College
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Have satisfactory progress and attendance as confirmed by program area

Note: Part-time is defined as a student taking less than 60% of a course load per semester.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $500     

Number available: 8 per deadline

Deadlines: November 1 and March 21


  • Registered as a Portage College student
  • Must have participated in any one of the following: Student Council, Student Ambassador program, volunteered for any Portage College activities or have been involved in community and humanitarian organizations
  • Provide a written verification reference from a Portage College staff member or organization representative, confirming involvement and efforts
  • A written submission (one page) describing one’s involvement
  • Must have satisfactory progress and attendance, as confirmed by program area

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $400     

Number available: 8 per deadline

Deadline: November 1, January 17 and March 21


  • Registered full-time in a career program that includes a field placement
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Maintain satisfactory progress and attendance, as confirmed by program area
  • Complete practicum section on application-Must provide an additional monthly budget breakdown documenting the additional expenses to be incurred while on a field placement

Note: Students on a paid practicum do not qualify.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $1,000 per award

Number available: 2 

Deadlines: September 27 & March 21


  • Scholarship awarded for academic achievement (min 80% average); transcript must be attached for verification of marks obtained in either the final year of high school or upgrading.

  • Must be a permanent resident of Lac La Biche County for at least one full year prior to registration (provide proof including physical address, e.g. driver’s license, utility bill, rental agreement)

  • Provide a one-page essay outlining educational goals

  • Consideration will be given to someone registered as a full-time student in a Portage College program, which may lead to further education in a law enforcement related field of study (e.g. law enforcement, military, correctional officer, conservation officer, criminologist or park ranger and can include ACP, PCP, EMR, firefighter, wildland fire-fighter, heavy equipment operator and university transfer moving into any of the above mentioned careers); transferable to other institutions; identification of the program of study and the post-secondary institution at which the continued  training will be held is required

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $500        

Number available: 4

Deadline: March 21


  • Registered in studies fall and winter at Portage College
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA in fall semester
  • Maintain satisfactory progress and attendance as confirmed by program area
  • Applicants must attach a brief essay about 'The Impact of Student Leadership'
  • Applicants must attach a letter of reference from staff, faculty or community member where you volunteer
  • Nominator will submit a brief writeup supporting reasons for nomination
  • Applicants must demonstrate at least 3 of the following;
    • Volunteer hours with student events
    • Leadership in class
    • Collaboration and Involvement with the Students' Association
    • Affiliation with student groups
    • Student advocacy
  • Key terms to look for;
    • Time management, goal setting, advocacy, communication, volunteerism, decision making, accountability, networking

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $1,500  

Number available: 17

Deadlines: March 21

The Spirit of Community Partnerships Award recognizes students who have voluntarily done community service in an Alberta community within the last 2 years. The volunteer activity should demonstrate exemplary leadership, pride, Integrity and citizenship.


  • Registered in full-time studies for both fall and winter terms at Portage College
  • Must be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory progress as confirmed by program area
  • Students must write a letter describing their recent voluntary community service done within the last 2 years, hours worked and most importantly what role the experience has played in their community, life, or impact on others
  • A letter of reference including year/date of volunteering is also required from any of the placements where the voluntary community service occurred

Eligibility to receive this award is once every two years.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

Value: $500              

Number available: 5

Deadlines: March 21

The Spirit of Portage Award recognizes students who foster a sense of excitement on campus by promoting fellowship, goodwill and belonging within the College community by supporting and promoting Portage College. Students will demonstrate how they have contributed to the quality of student life and the Portage community.

They may demonstrate involvement and support in a variety of ways by providing leadership, development or promotion in areas such as:

Social or cultural events

Special events

Peer mentoring/support Positive campus/residence spirit


  • Registered in full-time studies at Portage College
  • Must be in good academic standing as confirmed by program area
  • The applicant or nominator will provide details of the event or action in a short essay or letter demonstrating how this fostered a sense of excitement or promotion of fellowship, goodwill and belonging to Portage College

Eligibility to receive this award is once every four years.

Method of application: General application form available online click here. or nominated by Instructor or Program Coordinator

Value: $400     

Number available: 3 per deadline

Deadlines: November 1 and March 21


  • Accessing Student Learning Services for the first time or after a three-year absence from a program at Portage College
  • Student must be registered in either a career program or Academics for Careers and Education (upgrading) program
  • Must have acceptable progress and attendance, as confirmed by program area
  • Demonstrate financial need — must complete section C on awards application
  • Must be an Alberta resident for one complete year
  • Must have a documented disability which may include visual impairment, physical disability, psychological disorders, learning disabilities, etc.
  • Written essay (minimum one page) or oral presentation about yourself and your goals for the future

Note: Apprenticeship programs are not eligible for this award.

Method of application: General application form available online click here.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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