Of all the skills you have and will develop, do you know which ones are the most important to Canadian employers? Essential Skills are critical to functioning well in a classroom or employment environment. Understanding the key concepts of reading, writing, and math positions you for success with your postsecondary education and ultimately your career.
Learn more about Essential Skills and take the online quizzes by clicking on this link!
Now is the perfect opportunity to find out how strong your skills are, with plenty of time to brush up on these areas before classes start this fall.
Once you've taken the Pre-tests, check out some of the helpful tip sheets to improve your skills. Then take the post-tests and see if you've moved up a level.
Still need help with your individual learning needs? Student Learning Services is here to help! Contact us toll-free at 1-866-623-5551, ext. 5758 or ask about SLS at your campus location.