Suggested Resources for Students

Answering Multiple Choice - The Complete Guide
Final Grade Calculator
Brain Map - Strategies for Accelerated Learning (Open Colleges)
Free, online GED, practice test site! (4Tests)
How to Answer Essay Questions - The Ultimate Guide
How To Handle Test Anxiety
How to Study for a Math Test - The Complete Guide
MathTV (
Reading Comprehension - The Complete Guide 
Ultimate Guide to Test Preparation

More Suggested Links from SLS Staff
Divided into various sections such as vocabulary resources, grammar lessons and pronunciation. All sections include tutorials with some quizzes to check understanding of lessons.
Utilizes the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. It includes access to a medical dictionary and has an audio pronunciation feature.
Allows users to search for a variety of information by inputting questions and calculation into a knowledge engine which computes answers.
Designed to answer questions regarding diploma exams. It provides study guides giving students suggestions when writing Alberta diploma exams.
Provides information and support for people with learning disabilities.

We acknowledge that Portage College’s service region is on the traditional lands of First Nation Peoples, the owners of Treaty 6, 8 and 10, which are also homelands to the Métis people. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands.
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